[ WARNING: If personal notes get you bored, don’t read this.] I was 11 years old boy when EPRDF took power. As a kid, I had a confused feeling during the time the then 'Woyane' controlled Addis on Ginbot 20. During the nights before, we used to listen to 'Dimtsi Woyane’, radio broadcasted by TPLF from battlefield. I remember the elderlies were very worried however I kind of loved the guys from what they, the Woyanes, spoke on the radio. In addition, my father, despite being a member of the then national guard in the Ethio-Somalia border, had said he doesn't care if Derg is defeated, or at least my sister had told me he had said so. As a child, I was looking at the opportunity of being reunited with my father when that happens. Even though the 'Woyanes' were portrayed like monsters by the time they took control of Addis Ababa, I liked them. I stared at them wondering at their never-cut hair, old shorts, and sandals. I told a couple of them that I love th...
Passionate about the ideas of liberty and dignity, and of course prosperity too.