Ethiopia’s constitution is one of the world’s generous constitutions in giving rights. It gives ‘the nations, nationalities and peoples the right to self determination to secession.’ So, it is no wonder that it gives the ultimate right for freedom of expression and the right to privacy. However, the question is that ‘are the rights granted on the constitution applicable in reality?’ It is universally true that rights are always granted with restrictions. These restrictions are applied usually for ‘national security issues’ or even to protect the well being of certain society members and also in cases where the right conflicts with other rights. For example, the right for freedom of expression should not exceed the right to privacy and leave individuals in physical and psychological insecurity. In consideration of this, I have been challenging myself to answer the question ‘is Ethiopia over writing constitutional rights for one of these reasons or just to protect the power of ...
Passionate about the ideas of liberty and dignity, and of course prosperity too.