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Showing posts from November, 2013

The truth is the best propaganda: Ethiopian Embassy Photoshop Fails

Written By: Kassahun Addis The regime in Addis Ababa and its diplomatic missions around the globe spend more time bedeviling members of the Diaspora opposed to the lack of democracy in Ethiopia. While they should be working to promote the interest and safety of citizens abroad, they spend resources spying on individuals, dividing communities and fundraising. This is on top of unofficial import export business most embassy officials are engaged in. The original picture The photoshopped picture in the article This short piece is to put further light on how low these embassies go to achieve their goals. A picture caption of a story published on m by the Public Relation head, Tsehaye Debalkew, of the embassy ask "What evidence do you want more than a picture?" (See the article written by Ato Tsehaye, an official working for Ethiopian embassy in DC, USA ) How far will the Ethiopian Embassy in Washington DC go to taint everyo...

#SomeoneTellSaudiArabia'ns to stand with #Ethiopia'ns to Stop Human Rights Violation

For me, the people of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and #Ethiopia are two people with the same behavior. Especially, until the former have gotten the oil to become rich. Both are religious people who lived under series of regimes that used religion as a tool to get legitimacy and rule in a totalitarian way. Even now, both of our rulers are accumulating economic power by exploiting resources of each of us. Our relationship as two people started when the prophet's family came here seeking security protection and continued when ours flock to Saudi seeking economic liberation. Our King (Armah) said he would never give the prophet's family to his enemies even had he had proposed a mountain of gold. We want to hear that from the people of Saudi Arabia today. Currently, Saudi Arabian billionaires are engaged in farming investments in Ethiopia which the people called " land grabbing ". Thousands of local people are displaced from their birthplace for the farm whose ...

ነዋሪዎቹ ለምን እርሻውን አቃጠሉት?

በቅርቡ ከሰማናቸው ዜናዎች ውስጥ አንዱ ‹‹በጋምቤላ በሕንዳዊው ኩባንያ ቨርዳንታ ሐርቨስት የተያዘው እርሻ በአካባቢው ሰዎች እሳት ተለቀቀበት›› የሚል ይገኝበታል፡፡ የአካባቢው ነዋሪዎች እርሻውን ማቃጠላቸው ስህተት እንደሆነ አምናለሁ፤ ነገር ግን በዚህ ጽሑፍ በነርሱ ቦታ ሳልሆን ልፈርድባቸው አልደፍርም፡፡ ይልቁንም በዚህ መረጃ ላይ ተመስርቼ ‹‹ለምን›› የሚለውን ጥያቄ ለመመለስ እሞክራለሁ፡፡ ፕሮፌሰር አለማየሁ ገብረማርያም የዛሬ ሁለት ዓመት (ኦክቶበር 16፣ 2011) ‹‹ቀጣዩ እሳት በምን ይመጣ ይሆን?›› በሚል ስጋታቸውን የጻፉት በዚያው ክልል ትልቅ የእርሻ ቦታ የገዛውን የካሩቱሪስታን ኩባንያ የመጀመሪያ ምርቱን የሰደድ እሳት ከበላበት በኋላ ነበር፡፡ ይህ በሆነ ልክ በሁለት ዓመቱ ነው ዘንድሮ ሌላኛው የሕንድ ኩባንያ እርሻ ላይ ነዋሪዎቹ እሳት የለቀቁበት፡፡ ብዙ የሚታወቀውና 300ሺሕ ሔክታር የእርሻ መሬት በየዓመቱ ተከፋፍሎ የሚከፈል 50 ሚሊዮን ብር ሊዝ የተከራየው ካሩቱሪስታን (ካራቱሪ) ነው፡፡ የግብርና ድርጅቶቹ የሥራ ማስኬጂያ ገንዘባቸውን የሚያገኙት ከዚሁ አገር በመሆኑ ኢንቨስትመንቱ በዚህ ረገድ የሚያስገኘው ጥቅም የለም፤ እንዲያውም ‹ ካራቱሪ 62 ሚሊዮንብር የባንክ ዕዳውን መክፈል አልቻለም ፡፡ ይባስ ብሎ የሠራተኞች ጡረታ ተቆራጭ እና የገቢ ግብር ለመንግሥት አላስገባም› ብሎ ሰንደቅ ጋዜጣ የዘገበው በቅርቡ ነበር፡፡ ከመሬት ሊዙ ይገኛል የሚባለው ጥቅም ‹‹የቴክኖሎጂ ሽግግር›› ነው፡፡ ነገር ግን የአካባቢዎቹን ነዋሪዎች እያበሳጨና በሌላም፣ በሌላም ከወዲሁ በተለይ ለነዋሪዎቹ አለመመቸቱን ምልክቶች ያሳያሉ፡፡ ይህን የእርሻ መቃጠል ስናነሳ በታሪክ ወደኋላ ተጉዘን ዘመነ መሳፍንት ላይ እንደርሳለን፡፡ በዘመኑ አቅም ያለው ሁሉ ባ...